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Washington State

James Buszkiewicz

University of Washington

James Buszkiewicz, MPH, PhD, Research Scientist, Epidemiology, UW SPH. Dr. Buszkiewicz’s research focuses on how social and income policies can address social determinants of health and health disparities and nutrition-related health outcomes and behaviors.


Sarah Collier

University of Washington

Sarah Collier, PhD, Assistant Professor, Nutritional Sciences and DEOHS, UW SPH. Dr. Collier’s research focuses on the resiliency of the agricultural system from a producer perspective.


Adam Drewnowski

University of Washington

Adam Drewnowski, PhD, Director and Professor, Nutritional Sciences and Epidemiology, University of Washington School of Public Health (UW SPH). Dr. Drewnowski is a leader in the study of socioeconomic disparities in diets and health as well as the application of novel tools to assess diet quality and cost.


Alan Ismach

University of Washington

Alan Ismach, BS, Research Coordinator, Health Services, UW SPH. Mr. Ismach has expertise in RedCap and in recruiting and retaining survey respondents.


Laura Lewis

Washington State University

Laura Lewis, PhD, Associate Professor, Community and Economic Development, WSU. Dr. Lewis is an agricultural geographer with an emphasis on biodiversity and environmental systems.


Esther Nguyen

University of Washington

Esther Nguyen, BA, Research Assistant, UW SPH. Ms. Nguyen has background in community partnership and stakeholder outreach.


Jennifer J. Otten

University of Washington

Jennifer J. Otten, PhD, RD, Associate Professor and Food Systems Director, Nutritional Sciences and DEOHS, UW SPH. Dr. Otten’s research focuses on understanding, changing, and evaluating food systems using quantitative and qualitative research and field-based evaluations.


Chelsea M Rose

University of Washington

Chelsea M Rose, PhD, Research Coordinator, Epidemiology, UW SPH. Dr. Rose’s research focuses on social, cultural, and environmental factors impacting dietary patterns affecting obesity prevention.

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